I was back to Confest in April, for more mind extending, heart opening experiences. So much love !!!
February 13, 2014
Earth Frequency Festival is a 4 day outdoor festival, based in South-East Queensland, Australia. While drawing from many cultural niches such as transformational festival, tribal gathering, doof and boutique festival, the aim of Earth Frequency Festival is to go beyond these traditional tags and to exist as a multi-faceted gathering focused broadly on creativity, community, connection, intention and inspiration.
Burning Seed 2013 is the fourth Australian regional Burning Man event. It is a gathering like no other, a not-for-profit festival run by participants and based around art and community. It is organized around 10 principles :
Radical Inclusion
Radical Self-reliance
Radical Self-expression
Communal Effort
Civic Responsibility
Leaving No Trace
The aboriginal mobs gather twice a year to celebrate the equinoxes. The celebration is a communication with the Dreamtime through dance, music and costumes. It happens in a very heavenly mystical place: the sacred Rocky River.
Confest (from Conference Festival) is a bush campout festival gathering people interested in making the world a better place. Workshops are organised by attendees about a wide variety of topics, such as art, ecology, meditation, politics, yoga, music, ...